Thursday, October 15, 2009

SAP Backup fails with 'Error message from likeywlib', 'could not load SSF library'

When DataProtector attempts to backup SAP 7.0 with Oracle 10g, it fails with the following error messages as seen from a partial session report:

HP KB ID # Document ID: emr_na-c00796851-1

BR1301W Error message from likeywlib:
===...could not load SSF library .
BR1301W Error message from likeywlib: likey_init: Couldn't load SAPSECULIB ("") using function SsfSupInit (), rc = 10.
BR1302W Initialization of license key library likeywlib failed, return code 1
BR1304W Checking SAP license failed at location BrLicCheck-104
BR0602W No valid SAP license found - please contact SAP

The environment variable DIR_LIBRARY was needed to satisfy a requirement for SAP's brbackup so that brbackup could find the SAP library - This variable was added to the environment with the following commands:

In order to resolve the error simply run the following commands as SIDadm
/opt/omni/lbin/util_cmd -putopt SAP SID DIR_LIBRARY '/usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run' -sublist Environment

The command should output with the following : -
Configuration read/write operation successful.

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